Educational leadership and management: theory, policy, and practice

There is great interest in educational leadership in the early part of the 21st century because of the widespread belief that the quality of leadership makes a significant difference to school and student outcomes. There is also increasing recognition that schools require effective leaders and man agers if the y are to provide the best po ssible edu cation f or their learn ers. Schools need trained and committed teachers but they, in turn, need the leadership of highly effective prin cipa ls and su pp ort from other senior an d m iddle managers. While the need for eff ective leaders is widely ack nowledged, there is much less certainty about which leadership behaviours are most likely to produce favourable outcomes. I examine the theoretic al u nd erpinn ing s f or the fie ld of ed uc atio na l lead ersh ip and management, assess different leadership models, and discuss the evidence of their relative effectiveness in developing successful schools.

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Santamaría, L. J. (2016). Theories of educational leadership. Oxford Bibliographies, Oxford University Press, DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780199756810-0153 Introduction General Overview of Educational Leadership Styles and Related Theories Textbooks and Handbooks Journals and Professional Organizations Historical and Philosophical Foundations Conceptual Approaches and Frameworks Exemplars Large Data Sets and Empirical Evidence Complementary, Diverse, and Alternative Perspectives Critical, Global, and International Applications Introduction Prior to understanding theories of educational leadership, it is important to begin with a comprehensive definition of educational leadership. In this bibliographic entry, educational leadership is the professional practice of a leader (or leaders) in an administrative role(s) working with, guiding, and influencing educators in a particular context toward improving learning and other educational processes in early childhood education centers, elementary, secondary, and postsecondary institutions. These people are most often individuals or small teams employed as school site leaders, principals, assistant or associate administrators. In early childhood, higher education or other educational settings these individuals may serve as center director, head of school, department chair, academic dean, provost, or president. Theories of educational leadership have origins in the United States (U.S.) where frameworks have been largely drawn from industry and commerce management principles. Leadership theories and practices drawn from business-oriented frames of reference have been adopted and adapted for use in educational settings in the U.S. and similarly developed nations. Therefore, theories of educational leadership have been derived from a diversity of interdisciplinary conceptualizations and models over time. As a result, theories of leadership can be considered emergent, dynamic and subject to further evolution. In fact, every theory of educational leadership is subject to investigation by researchers in educational centers, schools and university settings who seek to better understand the dynamics of leadership in a variety of educational contexts. Beyond seminal notions and ideations of educational leadership, there are developing and sometimes ground-breaking theories contributing to the existing canonical literature in the field. Nonetheless, most theories of educational leadership comprise key elements, which often include capabilities, approaches, and practices. A closer look at these elements further reveals theoretical types of educational leadership (e.g., styles, traits, behaviors), characteristics of educational leadership (e.g., management vs. leadership, power, coercion, conceptual frameworks), or the activities or practices educational leaders engage as expressions of their leadership in action (e.g., approaches, ways of leading). Each element is dependent on the educational context within which it occurs and warrants the consideration of multiple and international perspectives for 21st century relevance in a diverse and global society. This bibliography therefore includes a representative sampling of influential textbooks, handbooks, journals, and relevant literature as exemplars of sources to explain, illuminate, introduce, interrogate, and evaluate a variety of educational leadership theories. Additionally, this entry provides historical and philosophical foundations, general overviews, conceptual frameworks, supporting literature on large data sets, and multiple complementary international perspectives of the theories considered. Pertinent examples are provided from each area for further reader exploration, consideration, and study.

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World Journal of English Language

According to this research, no country can advance above the level of education of its leaders. The goal of this philosophical debate is to look at leadership in a broader context and see how it may drastically enhance school administration. The academic evaluation examines existing theoretical advancements in the area of school administration educational administration. It begins with a brief overview of what leadership is or how research, philosophy, and practice might be used to describe it. After that, there is an examination of leadership theories, ideas, and styles. Every article comes to a close with a consideration of current issues and possible solutions. As a consequence, these writers argue that success may be secured if different types of leadership, principles, and techniques, as well as appropriate educational traditions, educational management, or business policies, are applied appropriately or totally in school administration. It also gives you a chance to fine-tune .

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