Windows Operating System And Its Applications

In 1991 Microsoft announced a line command operating system for IBM ( International Business Machines ), The operating system which they developed used command prompts to input instructions, These instructions were further compiled in the operating system disk floppy to generate results. This line command operating system was knows MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System). But, there was a big flaw in its operation methods. It was sophisticated! One must have the right knowledge of command lines, for example if someone has to create a folder or directory then they must know the exact commands ( i.e. MD_XYZ , CD_ABC ) which require to carry out these objectives in command or line operation system. Regular people avoided these complications. Therefore, These computers and operating systems weren't able to target these common audience.

So, in order to make computer a Household essential, Microsoft built a bridge, yes a bridge! which joined the common user with the hardware operations in an unsophisticated way. This bridge was Graphical User Interface ( GUI ). Graphical user interface lead the common audience access the complex mechanism of computing World in an enjoyable way.

Thus, this not only leads an era of Personal Computers but also the rise of windows operating systems.


Windows operating system is a computer operating system which uses graphical as well as command interface to meet the requirements of home users. It was developed by Microsoft Corporation.


The debut of Windows 1 in 1984 Apple's Macintosh, People started noticing the potential of Graphical interface for the very first time. This generated a new spark in the home users, People who used to avoid computers started generating curiosity. The biggest boom in computing World took place when Windows 95 came into market. The interface of windows 95 was so amazing that it shook the entire globe. This Operating System was a vital upgradation over its previous version which was Windows 1 and Windows 3.1. In addition to all new user interface, Windows 95 also consists of a numerous important internal upgrades. Perhaps most important feature was that it supported 32-bit applications, which allows operating systems to run faster and smoother.


In this module we're going to know about all the versions of Windows operating system, their processing capabilities, improvements, uses etc. We are also going to learn about applications of windows operating system and upcoming projects held by Microsoft corporation.