Resolution Ratifying Prior Acts: Everything You Need to Know

A resolution ratifying prior acts lets decision-makers in a company authorize any decisions or acts made previously by the people who report to them. As an example, if a board of directors decides to take certain acts related to the company, the shareholders can ratify these acts after considering them carefully.

What Is a Corporate Resolution?

To better understand how ratifying prior acts works, you should first understand what a corporate resolution is. A corporate resolution is used by both nonprofit and for-profit corporations and can be made by the:

Limited liability companies (LLCs) can also use resolutions to formally document important business decisions, but this is not required. In particular, an LLC might choose to make resolutions if it wants to get financing from a bank or show its investors transparency in its operations.

How to Pass a Resolution

While it varies slightly depending on your organization's specific rules, there are a few main ways to pass a resolution. These include:

When you pass a resolution, you'll need to record the date that the decision-makers adopted the resolution. Obviously, if the resolution was approved at a meeting, the adoption date is the day of the meeting (unless another date was specified at the meeting).

For resolutions passed through written consent, you might not have an exact date, as different decision-makers can sign and return their consent at different times. You should anticipate this time lapse and set an adoption date for the resolution that's far enough in the future to give you time to get the required signatures.

When to Create a Resolution

You can create a resolution in a number of different instances. For example, you can use a resolution to make changes to your company's bylaws, operating agreement, charters, or shareholders' agreement. This type of resolution often requires a high standard of approval by decision-makers, so it might not be easy to accomplish. To improve your chances of success, choose the specific area you want to change in the document, and clearly highlight the lines you wish to eliminate, replace, or change.

Other instances when you might want to create a resolution include:

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