Wedding Day Emergency Kit Checklist

Wedding Day Survival Kit 01

Grab today’s newly updated wedding emergency kit checklist printable to share with your bridesmaids or groomsmen. It’s a handy downloadable list that is filled with useful item’s to have on hand to head off the majority of last minute wedding day emergencies.

Ever wondered what you’d need to stay fresh, handle wedding dress disasters, beauty touch ups, suit maintenance (yes guys, we’re on it!), stay hydrated, energetic and deal with last minute allergies? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Wedding Day Emergency Kit Checklist

Dress Disaster Management:

Suit Disaster Management:

Mini Medical Kit:

Hair Must-Haves:

Important Contact Details:

Hydration & Energy Needs:


Make Up, Nails & Accessories:

Freshness Kit:

Wedding Day Emergency Kit Checklist Printable

Grab this wedding day emergency kit checklist below, print it out and give a copy to your maid of honor or best man so they’ll be fully prepared. Make sure you include a great big thank you to them for supporting you during this special time, and why not use this opportunity to have a catch over dinner to talk about what’s going on in their lives too. 🙂

Wedding Day Survival Kit for bridesmaids and groomsmen

Make sure you check out the rest of our fave DIY projects too!

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  1. Lauren Murphy says August 20, 2015 at 4:48 pm

HI. Thank you for the awesome and helpful wedding checklists. I cant seen to find out how to download and print them though. I signed up and followed the email, clicking on both links and receiving my password. When I follow the links from the email I received it takes me round in circles from page to page but no downloading. Thank you