What is TQM? A company-wide strategy for customer satisfaction

Total quality management (TQM) helps bring your entire organization together with one main goal: continually improving processes and products to ensure customer satisfaction.

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TQM definition

Total quality management (TQM) is a management strategy that emphasizes a continuous, organization-wide effort to maintain quality customer service and satisfaction. The goal of TQM is to foster customer loyalty by delivering service levels that keep customers coming back again. The strategy requires consistent feedback from employees and customers to determine how services and products can be improved across the organization and is designed to help companies find a path to strengthen their position in the market, increase productivity, improve customer loyalty and satisfaction, boost employee morale, and improve processes.

Whereas many quality management strategies focus on specific departments, TQM includes every department in continually improving a company’s products and services. According to the TQM philosophy, the more you improve processes in every department, the easier it will be to deliver higher-quality products and services to customers. With TQM, everyone in the company should be focused on quality improvement with the shared goal of boosting customer loyalty and satisfaction.

TQM principles

Eight defining principles of TQM help guide your organization toward better customer service. According to the American Society for Quality (ASQ), the eight principles of TQM are:

TQM model

TQM includes four main phases, known as The PDCA Cycle, for plan, do, check and act. The “planning” stage is when employees determine the root cause of various problems and quality management issues that need to be addressed throughout the organization. Strategies to address the determined problems discovered in the planning stage are developed during the “doing” stage. Ideas are analyzed and measured to determine how effective they are at helping solve the employees’ problems.

During the “checking” phase, organizations establish effectiveness by comparing data taken before and after to see how well projects performed and if quality improved. These results are then documented during the “acting” phase, during which time employees gear up to tackle another organizational issue they are facing.

Tips for TQM success

Dr. Deming, a physicist and statistician, was key to the development of TQM and is often referred to as the “Father of Quality Management.” He developed 14 points for implementing TQM successfully in the workplace, each of which is meant to serve as advice to leadership on what values to embrace and how to build a company culture that will enable TQM to thrive in the organization.

These 14 points include:

  1. Create constancy to improve products and services.
  2. Adopt the new philosophy.
  3. Stop depending on inspection to achieve quality.
  4. Work with single suppliers rather than taking business based off price alone.
  5. Embrace continuous improvement: Never stop evaluating your planning, production, and service processes.
  6. Implement regular on-the-job training.
  7. Adopt strong leadership.
  8. Drive out fear.
  9. Break down any barriers between staff.
  10. Avoid or get rid of slogans, exhortations, and targets for the workforce.
  11. Don’t implement quotas for the workforce or any numerical goals for management.
  12. Eliminate annual reviews or rating systems and open avenues for people to feel pride in their work.
  13. Encourage continuous education and self-improvement throughout the company.
  14. Get everyone in the company on board with the transformation.

TQM certification and training

The following certifications and courses can help you verify your TQM knowledge and get you up to speed as a TQM professional:

Salary for TQM skills

TQM skills are a valuable resource for customer-focused businesses that want to improve customer satisfaction by fostering an environment that supports continual improvement across the organization. According to data from PayScale, the average salary for those reporting TQM skills is $90,000 per year.

PayScale also offers data on how TQM skills can impact the annual salary for specific job titles: