Pet Boarding Agreement Template

Use this section of the pet boarding agreement template to capture all of the clients information regarding the particular boarding.

Medical Information

This section of the pet boarding agreement template allows owners to document any and all medical conditions the pet may have prior to boarding.

Veterinary Clinic: Clinic Phone Number:

Address: City, State, Zip:


For the safety of your pet and other pets, we will not board any animals without full updated shot records. The following shots will need to have been given in order for boarding to take place.

Allergies/ Other medical Information:

Authorization for Pickup

The Following Individuals are authorized for pet pickup by owner.​

Emergency Contact Information

In this portion of the pet boarding agreement owners can provide all emergency contact information in case of emergency during pet boarding.

Terms & Conditions

These standard terms and conditions in the pet boarding contract template protect both the pet owner as well as you against any unforeseen circumstances that may arise during pet boarding.


By signing owner agrees to all terms and conditions listed in the Pet Boarding Contract.

Once all fields and terms have been customized in the pet boarding contract sending the contract to your designated customer is easy. Just fill out the client’s information in the template and hit send.

Pet Boarding Agreement Template

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Useful resources


What is a pet boarding contract?

A pet boarding agreement is a legally binding document between two parties (pet owner and pet care companies) which states that the owner has given the pet care company the responsibility to take care of the owner’s pet(s). It also includes information such as vaccination details of the pet, medicalinformation, emergency contact information, etc.

What does it mean when a pet is boarded?

Pet boarding refers to paying a fee to keep your pet at a pet care company (or at a veterinarian or boarding kennel) for a set period of time. Essentially, it is like a day-care for pets, where the pet is fed and taken care of.

How do I prepare my dog for first time boarding?

Some companies offer a pet onboarding trial and it is recommended you attend to accustom your pet to the surroundings. If necessary, take your dog to a veterinarian to make sure they have no fleas or worms. Try to also make your dog as comfortable as possible so the transition is easy for them.


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