The Plural Forms of Words

The term "plural" does not apply to just nouns (e.g., cats, mice), it also applies to pronouns, determiners, and verbs. For example:

the plural forms of words

Forming the Plurals of Nouns

What Are the Plural Pronouns?

The plural personal pronouns are "we," "you," and "they." They contrast with the singular personal pronouns, which are "I," "you," "he," "she," and "it." (NB: The personal pronoun "you" can be both singular or plural. That's because you can say "you" to mean one person or several.)

Here are the personal pronouns in a table with their full names (plural pronouns shaded):

Ifirst person singular
Yousecond person singular
He / She / Itthird person singular
Wefirst person plural
You second person plural
Theythird person plural

What Is the Plural Form of a Verb?

The plural form of a verb is the form that fits with a plural subject. In this table, the plural verbs are shaded in gray.

PronounNameExample Verb
Past Tense
Example Verb
Present Tense
Example Verb
Future Tense
Ifirst person singularI ateI eatI will eat
Yousecond person singularYou ate You eat You will eat
He / She / Itthird person singularHe ate He eats He will eat
Wefirst person pluralWe ate We eat We will eat
Yousecond person pluralYou ate You eat You will eat
Theythird person pluralThey ate They eat They will eat

English is unusual because the singular and plural forms of verbs in each tense are identical. The only exception is the third-person-singular form in the present tense (shown in red). This is why English is easier to learn than many other languages. In most other languages, there would be a different spelling in every single box in the table above. Read more about subject-verb agreement.

What Are Plural Demonstrative Determiners?

The demonstrative determiners (called demonstrative adjectives in traditional grammar) are "this," "that," "these," and "those."

The singular ones are "this" and "that." The plural ones are "these" and "those."

This is worth knowing because "these" and "those" must be paired with a plural word. In others, you cannot say:

You must say:

Forming the Plurals of Foreign Words

"Plural" Also Applies to Zero

This page was written by Craig Shrives.