Course Catalog

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We found 1211 courses matching your search criteria.

ACA-122 College Transfer Success

This course provides information and strategies necessary to develop clear academic and professional goals beyond the community college experience. Topics include the CAA, college policies and culture, career exploration, gathering information on senior institutions, strategic planning, critical thinking, and communications skills for a successful academic transition. Upon completion, students should be able to develop an academic plan to transition successfully to senior institutions.

More information and schedule

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer


Credit Hours:

Contact Hours:

Upcoming Class Offerings

10/14 - 12/10 10/14 - 12/10 M 9:00:00 AM - 10:40:00 AM W 9:00:00 AM - 10:40:00 AM 10/14 - 12/10 10/14 - 12/10 W 9:00:00 AM - 10:40:00 AM 10/14 - 12/10 10/14 - 12/10 W 9:00:00 AM - 10:40:00 AM 10/14 - 12/10 10/14 - 12/10 W 11:00:00 AM - 12:40:00 PM 10/14 - 12/10 10/14 - 12/10 W 11:00:00 AM - 12:40:00 PM 10/14 - 12/10 10/14 - 12/10 TH 1:00:00 PM - 2:40:00 PM 10/14 - 12/10 10/14 - 12/10 T 1:00:00 PM - 2:40:00 PM TH 1:00:00 PM - 2:40:00 PM 10/14 - 12/10 10/14 - 12/10 T 1:00:00 PM - 2:40:00 PM 10/14 - 12/10 10/14 - 12/10 M 2:00:00 PM - 3:40:00 PM W 2:00:00 PM - 3:40:00 PM 10/14 - 12/10 10/14 - 12/10 T 6:00:00 PM - 7:40:00 PM 10/14 - 12/10 10/14 - 12/10 10/14 - 12/10 10/14 - 12/10 10/14 - 12/10 10/14 - 12/10 10/14 - 12/10 10/14 - 12/10 10/14 - 12/10 10/14 - 12/10 10/14 - 12/10 10/14 - 12/10 10/14 - 12/10

ACC-115 College Accounting

This course introduces basic accounting principles for a business. Topics include the complete accounting cycle with end-of-period statements, bank reconciliation, payrolls, and petty cash. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of accounting principles and apply those skills to a business organization.

More information and schedule

The following courses must be completed prior to taking this course:
Take DRE-097 or ENG-002, Take DMA-010 DMA-020 DMA-030 or MAT-003

Offered: Fall, Spring


Credit Hours:

Contact Hours:

Upcoming Class Offerings

10/14 - 12/10

ACC-120 Principles of Financial Accounting

This course introduces business decision-making using accounting information systems. Emphasis is placed on analyzing, summarizing, reporting, and interpreting financial information. Upon completion, students should be able to prepare financial statements, understand the role of financial information in decision-making and address ethical considerations.

More information and schedule

The following courses must be completed prior to taking this course:
Take DRE-097 or ENG-002, Take DMA-010 DMA-020 DMA-030 or MAT-003

Offered: Fall, Spring


Credit Hours:

Contact Hours:

Upcoming Class Offerings

10/14 - 12/10

ACC-121 Principles of Managerial Accounting

This course includes a greater emphasis on managerial and cost accounting skills. Emphasis is placed on managerial accounting concepts for external and internal analysis, reporting and decision-making. Upon completion, students should be able to analyze and interpret transactions relating to managerial concepts including product-costing systems.

More information and schedule

The following courses must be completed prior to taking this course:
Take ACC-120, Must complete ACC-120 with minimum grade C

Offered: Fall, Spring


Credit Hours:

Contact Hours:

Upcoming Class Offerings

10/14 - 12/10

ACC-131 Federal Income Taxes

This course provides an overview of federal income taxes for individuals, partnerships, and corporations. Topics include tax law, electronic research and methodologies and the use technology for the preparation of individual and business tax returns. Upon completion, students should be able to analyze basic tax scenarios, research applicable tax laws, and complete federal tax returns for individuals, partnerships, and corporations.

More information and schedule

The following courses must be completed prior to taking this course:
Take DRE-097 or ENG-002, Take DMA-010 DMA-020 DMA-030 or MAT-003


Credit Hours:

Contact Hours:

ACC-140 Payroll Accounting

This course covers federal and state laws pertaining to wages, payroll taxes, payroll tax forms, and journal and general ledger transactions. Emphasis is placed on computing wages; calculating social security, income, and unemployment taxes; preparing appropriate payroll tax forms; and journalizing/posting transactions. Upon completion, students should be able to analyze data, make appropriate computations, complete forms, and prepare accounting entries using appropriate technology.

More information and schedule

The following courses must be completed prior to taking this course:
Take One: ACC-115 or ACC-120, Take CIS-110

Offered: Fall, Spring


Credit Hours:

Contact Hours:

ACC-149 Introduction to Accounting Spreadsheets

This course provides a working knowledge of computer spreadsheets and their use in accounting. Topics include pre-programmed problems, model-building problems, beginning-level macros, graphics, and what-if analysis enhancements of template problems. Upon completion, students should be able to use a computer spreadsheet to complete many of the tasks required in accounting.

More information and schedule

The following courses must be completed prior to taking this course:
Take One: ACC-115 or ACC-120, Take CIS-110


Credit Hours:

Contact Hours:

ACC-150 Accounting Software Applications

This course introduces microcomputer applications related to accounting systems. Topics include general ledger, accounts receivable, accounts payable, inventory, payroll, and correcting, adjusting, and closing entries. Upon completion, students should be able to use a computer accounting package to accurately solve accounting problems.

More information and schedule

The following courses must be completed prior to taking this course:
Take One: ACC-115 or ACC-120, Take CIS-110

Offered: Fall, Spring


Credit Hours:

Contact Hours:

ACC-215 Ethics in Accounting

This course introduces students to professional codes of conduct and ethics adopted by professional associations and state licensing boards for accountants, auditors, and fraud examiners. Topics include research and discussion of selected historical and contemporary ethical cases and issues as they relate to accounting and business. Upon completion, students should be able to apply codes, interpret facts and circumstances, as they relate to accounting firms and business activities.

More information and schedule

The following courses must be completed prior to taking this course:
Take ACC-121


Credit Hours:

Contact Hours:

ACC-220 Intermediate Accounting I

This course is a continuation of the study of accounting principles with in-depth coverage of theoretical concepts and financial statements. Topics include generally accepted accounting principles and extensive analysis of balance sheet components. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate competence in the conceptual framework underlying financial accounting, including the application of financial standards.

More information and schedule

The following courses must be completed prior to taking this course:
Take ACC-120


Credit Hours:

Contact Hours:

ACC-221 Intermediate Accounting II

This course is a continuation of ACC 220. Emphasis is placed on special problems which may include leases, bonds, investments, ratio analyses, present value applications, accounting changes, and corrections. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the principles involved and display an analytical problem-solving ability for the topics covered.

More information and schedule

The following courses must be completed prior to taking this course:
Take ACC-220


Credit Hours:

Contact Hours:

ACC-227 Practices in Accounting

This course provides an advanced in-depth study of selected topics in accounting using case studies and individual and group problem solving. Topics include cash flow, financial statement analysis, individual and group problem solving, practical approaches to dealing with clients, ethics, and critical thinking. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate competent analytical skills and effective communication of their analysis in written and/or oral presentations.

More information and schedule

The following courses must be completed prior to taking this course:
Take ACC-220


Credit Hours:

Contact Hours:

ACC-240 Governmental and Not-For-Profit, Accounting

This course introduces principles and procedures applicable to governmental and not-for-profit organizations. Emphasis is placed on various budgetary accounting procedures and fund accounting. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the principles involved and display an analytical problem-solving ability for the topics covered.

More information and schedule

The following courses must be completed prior to taking this course:
Take ACC-121


Credit Hours:

Contact Hours:

Upcoming Class Offerings

10/14 - 12/10

AGR-3002B BioAg Technology

BioAg Technology is a 148-hour set of modular courses designed to prepare students with the training necessary to obtain employment in the ag-tech or biotech industries. Topics include plant biology, soils and growing media, controlled environmental agriculture (CEA), pest control and work-based learning experiences. Upon completion, students will be eligible for entry-level employment in any plant science-related industry. Prerequisites: (1) Must be 18 years of age or older, and (2) Show proof of a high school diploma or high school equivalency OR provide a copy of a transcript of any completed Associate degree or higher (unofficial transcripts OK). Students must submit proof of prerequisites prior to registration. Please email for questions regarding the program or registration process.

More information and schedule


Credit Hours:

Contact Hours:

Upcoming Class Offerings

10/22 - 10/22 10/23 - 10/23 W 9:00:00 AM - 1:00:00 PM W 9:00:00 AM - 1:00:00 PM T 8:30:00 AM - 5:00:00 PM W 8:30:00 AM - 5:00:00 PM W 9:00:00 AM - 1:00:00 PM

AHR-110 Introduction to Refrigeration

This course introduces the basic refrigeration process used in mechanical refrigeration and air conditioning systems. Topics include terminology, safety, and identification and function of components; refrigeration cycle; and tools and instrumentation used in mechanical refrigeration systems. Upon completion, students should be able to identify refrigeration systems and components, explain the refrigeration process, and use the tools and instrumentation of the trade.