Pet Sitting Contract Template

This Pet Sitting Contract (the “Contract”) is made and executed as of [Document.CreatedDate] by and among/between:

​ [Owner.LastName] , [Owner.FirstName] , (Age), of legal age, currently residing at [Owner.StreetAddress] , [Owner.City] , [Owner.State] , [Owner.PostalCode] , [Owner.Country] (collectively “The Pet Owner”); and

Pet Sitter(s):

​ [Sitter.LastName] , [Sitter.FirstName] , (Age), of legal age, currently residing at [Sitter.StreetAddress] , [Sitter.City] , [Sitter.State] , [Sitter.PostalCode] , [Sitter.Country] (collectively “The Sitter”); (each, a “Party” and collectively, the “Parties”)

The Pet Owner is the owner of the pet that is set to be taken care of by the hired Pet Sitter under this Contract.

The Pet Sitter is the sitter, whose pet custody will be assigned under this Contract.

WHEREAS, in consideration of the above, the representations and agreement stated in this Contract and in good faith and valuable considerations, the receipt and accuracy of which are now acknowledged by both Parties.

WHEREAS, in consideration of the Pet Sitter’s care and services, the Pet Owner shall compensate the Pet Sitter the amount of (amount figures) in (currency) on a/an (hourly, daily, or monthly) basis equivalent to (amount in figures) in (currency) rate through the Pet Sitter’s preferred account.

Pet Care

The Pet Sitter shall provide care for the Pet Owner’s pet(s) as identified and described below for a period of (number of days/months agreed by both parties) months/days starting (day) (month) (year) until (day) (month) (year).

Pet Information

(months or year)


Last Vaccination Date:

(day) (month) (year)

Vaccination Type:

(specify the vaccine type)


Medical Card:

(specify the medical card provider)

Medical Card Validity:

(expiration date)

Last Deworming Date:

(day) (month) (year)

(If yes, please specify all the allergies your pet has:)

Temperament: (specify your pet(s) temperament in detail for the pet sitter)

Exercise Routine: (you may include here your pet(s) walking and/or playing schedules)

Care and Services

The Care and Services provided under this Contract consists of the following responsibilities specified below:

Feeding pet(s) and changing food and water bowls Clean up waste and maintain neatness of pet(s) area Walk, exercise, and play with pet(s) Administer medications (if needed) according to the vet’s advice Proper disposal of pet(s) waste materials

Emergency Contact(s)

In case of an Emergency, the Pet Sitter must notify first and should exert more effort in contacting the Pet Owner; if in case the Pet Owner is unavailable, the Pet Sitter should notify these individuals and the pet(s) veterinarian.

Contact Details:

Owner Name: [Owner.LastName] [Owner.FirstName] ​

Owner Contact Details: [Owner.Phone] ​

Owner Email Address: [Owner.Email] ​

Owner Business Address: [Owner.StreetAddress] , [Owner.City] , [Owner.State] , [Owner.PostalCode] , [Owner.Country] ​

Vet Name: [Vet.LastName] [Vet.FirstName] ​

Vet Contact Details: [Vet.Phone] ​

Vet Email Address: [Vet.Email] ​

Vet Business Address: [Vet.StreetAddress] , [Vet.City] , [Vet.State] , [Vet.PostalCode] , [Vet.Country] ​


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, a NOTARY PUBLIC from (County/City),(State/Country), this (Date) day of (Month), (Year); personally appeared bearing the government identification with details provided below, to wit;


Known to me and known to be the same parties who executed the foregoing instrument consisting of (number of pages) pages including the page where this acknowledgment is written, and they acknowledged that the same is their own free and voluntary act and deed and that of the corporations represented.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the notarial seal on the date and in the place herein above written.

Notary Public

Series of _____;

Pet Sitting Contract

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What should be included in a pet sitting agreement?

A pet sitting agreement or contract should include the duties and responsibilities of the pet sitter as well as the pet owner(s). It should include specifics about the services provided and accurate information about the pet(s). The contact details of the vet the pet usually goes to should also be included, as they have all the records of the pet’s medical background should a medical need arise. Lastly, the terms and conditions of the pet owner to the hired pet sitter should be included.

How to make a pet sitting contract?

Creating a pet sitting contract is easy as you just need to write and specify all the needed information and details about your pet(s). Be sure to include your terms and conditions when it comes to the pet(s) and any business matters you wish to include.

We have covered the necessary details to create your pet sitting contract template for easy reference to save you time from drafting this contract from scratch. Download it and tailor it according to your terms and conditions.

What is a pet sitting contract?

A pet sitting contract is a legal document that states all the responsibilities of the hired pet sitter to the pet(s) while the pet owner is on leave or away from his/her pet(s) for a short or long period. It also indicates the needed care and specific attention to be given to the pet(s) and essentially all the information concerning the pet(s). A contract should also cover the responsibilities of the pet owner to the pet sitter, such as the compensation package and the validity range of the contract for both the pet owner and the pet sitter.

What is the purpose of a pet sitting contract?

The purpose of a pet sitting contract is to ensure that the hired pet sitter should abide by and adhere to the specifics of taking care of one’s pet. It will also serve as the safety measures of:

How do I write a pet sitting contract?

Writing a pet sitting contract is easy. First, you need to specify all the needed information and other details for your pet(s) as well as your terms and conditions. Pay special attention to the care that your pet should receive and any other business matters.

This downloadable template covers the necessary details for writing your pet sitting contract. Refer to this template to save you time from drafting this contract from scratch. You can change and add some sections depending on your terms and conditions.


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